He is not a short order cook, and certainly not anybodies maid, but he does posses the qualities of what some may refer to as a "Human Swiss Army Knife".
His shoes, like the bottomless pits of Nirubi, could never be filled by anyone except him; but with charm, finesse, courtesy, backroom deals, and payoffs the crowds can be persuaded to accept his nonattendance.
His skills and accomplishment amount to a grain of sand standing next to yours.
Every time he goes for a swim, dolphins appear.
The ability to entertain and mesmerize even the most discerning and wily adversary is paramount to successfully completing even the most routine of tasks.
He has carved didgeridoos with Aboriginal tribes in the Northern Territory, knows the best hotels in Spain during the encierro, has experience in sedating a spitting and rather violent alpaca through meditation, and is versed in the secret exits for every casino in the northern hemisphere.
He has a stark affinity for suits worn with no tie and an open collared shirt.
He is more powerful then both Billy Mays, and Chuck Norris.
The pheromones he secretes have been known to effect people miles away, in a slight, but measurable way.
His hands, feel like rich, brown, suède.
He has lived in a cave for a summer in the hills of the Serengeti, after being gifted a husband, by a local tribes leader.
He almost broke the last speed record in 1977,however popular opinion
amongst experts was that his beard caused to much wind resistance. He would have shaved it...except no, he wouldn't have.
When it is raining, it is because he is thinking of something sad.
His legend precedes him, the way lightning precedes thunder.
Respected archaeologists fight over his discarded apple cores.
He keeps his public statements to a minimum - both to preserve his mystique and avoid any unnecessary scuffles with pretenders. However, in private interaction, He can be relied upon for His discretion, tact, patience, and humor.
His unique and envied grasp of hostage negotiations has allowed Him to remain as one of the most highly sought after people in the world.
He is the best of the best. He is rational, ethical, dangerous individual who knows his mathematics, metaphysics, and mixology. Get to know him. He demands it.